Meta analysis definition in educational research
Meta analysis definition in educational research

Journal of the Korean Association for Research in Science Education, 36(3), 399-411. Development and Management of the Advanced STEAM Teacher Training Program. Valentine (Eds.), The handbook of research synthesis and meta analysis (2nd ed., pp. Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 11(1), 37-50. A practical tutorial on conducting meta-analysis in R. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 35(2), 166-180. The effects of smart media based STEAM program of chicken life cycle on academic achievement, scientific process skills and affective domain of Elementary School Students. The influences of STEAM program using infragram for plant health monitoring on elementary student's creative problem solving ability, scientific process skills and affective domain. The development and application effects of 'Life Cycle of Plants' STEAM program using time-lapse based on smart media. Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 32(3), 361-377. The development and application effects of STEAM program about 'World of small organisms' unit in elementary science. Journal of the Korean Educational Research Association, 17(4), 1385-1404. The development and application of a STEAM program based on backward design. (2013).The effect of the STEAM activities on the elementary student's science process skills and science-related attitudes.

meta analysis definition in educational research

The teaching of science: The teaching of science as enquiry and Science in the Elementary School. Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 33(3), 439-452. The effects of STEAM program on the scientific communication skills and the learning flow of elementary gifted students. Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 32(4), 557-566. The effects of science lesson applying STEAM education on science learning motivation and science academic achievement of elementary school students. Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education, 33(4), 762-772. The effects of science lesson applying STEAM education on creative thought activities and emotional intelligence of elementary school students. The Korean Journal of Technology Education, 14(1), 158-176. The effect of making bridge model STEAM program based SMART education on interest and STEAM literacy. Based on these results, further research areas and topics are suggested.

meta analysis definition in educational research

Thus, regardless of these variables STEAM programs produced medium effect in general. On the other hand, the school level (elementary, middle, and high school), the absence or presence of student products as program requirements, hours of intervention, and sample size did not moderate the effect.

meta analysis definition in educational research

Analysis showed that moderators of the effect were affective measures, thinking skills, character measures, and career aspirations, which meant the studies that measured these variables had more effect than achievement measures. The results showed that the mean effect was medium (effect size = 0.52). Thus, 172 effect sizes from 60 studies were analyzed. Using R packages, we first identified outliers and eliminated them in the analysis of mean effect size.

meta analysis definition in educational research

A total of 63 articles were identified to be appropriate for meta-analysis. We first identified academic journal articles that utilized quasi-experimental design in examining STEAM effects on student learning and presented appropriate data for meta-analysis such as effect size. We examined the areas of effects that the research tested and analyzed overall effect across the research. This study examined overall effect of STEAM programs on student learning through meta-analysis of journal articles published for the past six years.

Meta analysis definition in educational research